Why "Yankee PotPie"??

So, if you made it to this page, I guess you're wondering why I named my blog 'Yankee PotPie'. 

Yankee PotPie has been a tradition at my house for as long as I can remember. Yankee PotPie is simple: crackers and gravy. Whenever my family has gravy, we like to smother saltine crackers in the deliciousness, and boom! instant treat. (I may not be Southern, but we always say that Gettysburg is the Alabama state of the North...)

Now, I guess you're wondering what gravy-covered crackers has to do with the Civil War. And like my grandfather always says, "There's a story behind that..."

There are many legends about how Yankee PotPie was first began, but I was always taught that it goes back to the Civil War. There weren't many dentists then, making the soldiers' teeth soft and rotten. Soldiers' diets consisted mainly of  a hard cracker, called 'hardtack'. These crackers were hard as a rock, and the soldiers got creative with finding ways to soften it. One of those ways was to smother the hard-as-a-rock crackers in gravy. Hence: Yankee PotPie!!
 Click "hardtack" to see the soldiers' other methods.

I called my blog "Yankee PotPie" because it all-encompasses my views of the war; from the simple things like food or music to the families that were affected by each piece of the war. I know my family was affected, and we eat the effects of it whenever we have gravy! The title "Yankee PotPie" helps me to remember what the purpose of this blog is: To help people feel the personal side of the Civil War; the side that I am passionate that people know and care about.

I really hope that you will go look through my blog posts, and have an open mind about history. You may be obsessed about history like I am. If so, welcome to my brain! Though you may not care about it either, or just don't understand why you should care. If I just described your view of history, than I'm so glad you're here. Why? 'Cause this blog is for you. 

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