Sunday, December 06, 2015

Call Me Judah: A Short Story Part lV

Part IV

“I can’t believe you’re here!”
I was basically screaming in delight. Kind of like a child on Christmas; though most children wake up to presents on Christmas, and I woke to find my friend by my bedside.
I was a pathetic sight, but I didn't care. I was so worried about Judah, and now he was here!

“You didn’t think I’d just let you die in peace, would you, hero?” Judah’s face was a sight for sore eyes; or in my case, a sight for fever-filled eyes to behold. He had a burn mark on his head where a bullet had grazed, but otherwise was completely unharmed.

Deep down, I had prepared myself to learn that Judah had died. After this long without contact, I just had assumed Judah was gone. I’d already lost more than one friend to just petty sickness, and this was battle.

“I can’t believe you’re here! How’d you find me? How’s the regiment? Did we win the battle? Have you heard from…”

“Slow down Johnny. You’re wearing yourself.” The calm voice of Hannah brought me back to my senses. I was exhausted; though I didn’t realize it until she stopped me. Hannah was carrying a cup of hot liquid, probably the tea with the nasty medicine in it she always gave me.

“So, this is Judah. I’m so glad you finally decided to show up. I don’t know how much longer I could hear him talk about you.”

 Hannah smiled, and I knew she was teasing. She bent over me and spooned some of the tea into my mouth. I tried to resist, I didn’t want to be spoon-fed right in front of my friend! But I found I had no strength to resist or drink the tea for myself.

Judah laughed at me--though only partly--in his eyes. The other part of his expression was…worry? Pity? Thankfulness? All three mixed together?

I could barely listen fast enough as Judah explained what the regiment had been up to. He described how the men had been asking about me, I was now known as "Johnny Hero" around the camp. Then came the tragic casualty list: 1 dead (I didn't even ask whom...) and 15 wounded.
" the Colonel promoted me to take Sgt Owens' place. I'm a sergeant now, Johnny!"

I let that sink in. My friend, a boy from small town Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a sergeant. I knew it was common to promote a man to replace a fallen officer, but I had no idea that Judah would replace our wounded sergeant!

“That’s what kept me from finding you; I had ‘duties’ as a sergeant after the battle. One of them was finding our missing man, though. I felt that to be the up most priority."

I cleared my throat.

“So..…does that mean I have to call you Sgt. Kyle? Never thought I'd be saluting to you."

“No, hero, . You won't ever salute to me. And about this 'sergeant' business. It's not Sgt. Kyle...” Judah would've said more, but I fell asleep for a mere second. Sure enough, Hannah had given me more medicine. I couldn't fight the sleep any longer.
Judah turned to leave, but first I heard him finish his statement, in a voice barely above a whisper:
“Call me Judah.”

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