Thursday, July 07, 2016

My Journey to the Civil War

Sorry for not blogging in awhile, I was so excited at the thought of posting especially for the Battle of Gettysburg (this past weekend), but...I never did. 

A young woman I know, Michaela Tasker asked me a great question via the comment section on a blog post awhile back. It was a great question, so I thought I'd blog and specifically answer it. 
She asked: "When and how did you first become interested in the Civil War?" 

Thank you Michaela, for the question, and for mentioning Yankee PotPie in your "recommended blogs" page on your blog, Dandelions and Daydreams (If you're looking for a blog about exploring the unnoticed things in life through the eyes of a young lady, check out her blog!)

To answer Michaela's question, I'd like to tell you some about my journey to the Civil War. 

I really don't know exactly when I got interested in the Civil War, but I know my interest in the history definitely started with reading. I love to read. I always have, and probably always will, if I can find the right book. I used to read everything I could get my hands on: Mystery, historical, modern-day life, American Girl, etc. I've read everything from the Left Behind Kids Edition to most of the Mandie Collection to almost the entire Dear America collection. Though I've found I seem to draw to history novels. Imagine that. 

About three years ago my family started going to a homeschool co-op. This particular co-op consisted of homsechooling families coming together and having classes together once a week. I took a lot of literature classes that first semester (Surprised?) and I took a Civil War class that spring. I took the class primarily for the teacher, (she had taught one of my previous literature classes) but also for my interest in the war. At that point, I was primarily interested in the battles and dates, and was thoroughly surprised when she opened her class with telling us to throw the battles and dates out the window, that she was teaching about the more personal side of the war (sound familiar?). She liked the "people side" of the war, and it was basically there in that class that my interested in the Civil War turned into an obsession. (Ms. Audrey, if you ever read this article, thank you so much for changing my whole thought process with your class!!!)

I began to become specifically Civil War novel biased. I'd still read other things, but I now had a favorite genre. 

While working through high school I thought for sure I had my life figured out. After high school I was going to be a baker. I had it all planned out, too: I could get a job, maybe some classes, and I wouldn't spend a whole lot of money on college (which I wasn't interested in anyway). But at the beginning of this year I did some soul searching, and decided I didn't like baking enough to do it for the rest of my life. I'd still do it as a hobby, but I wanted something else to pour my life into completely.

I decided that I had to find something I couldn't stand not doing to do for the rest of my life. That thought led me to pursuing the Civil War, and leaning toward reenacting. Though disappointed to find out you don't get paid to reenact, I still decided to go that route. (Besides, who knows what job in Gettysburg I could discover that pays me to share my love of history? In a perfect world, that's what I'm pursuing). So for the last year I've been pouring myself into the Civil War; reading reenacting books, watching documentaries, listening to and playing 1860-era music. I even received my own Civil War dress from my parents and the hoop from my grandparents for Christmas! I was ecstatic; even though the dress is still too long to actually wear and is still missing pieces to make it authentic, I'm okay with that. I'm working on it.

Hence this blog. When I started a Digital Communication and Blogging class (also at co-op) this past year, I was in the process of soul searching and deciding what I wanted to pour my life into. I had to find my thing. I believe I found it in the Civil War. Before it was just an interest, but now its so much more. I have found I have a passion for teaching others about history: Why its important, why we need to remember it. My favorite thing is to have a conversation trying to change someone's mind about history. I've come a long way, from reading about the Civil War, to writing about it, to having a desire to live it through reenacting. This fall, I'll be teaching my younger sisters about the Civil War for their history. I'm so thankful to all those who had a hand in shaping my life. God is so good, helping me see that all along history has been my true passion.

In the future, you'll probably see me working, trying to earn the money needed to reenact  and complete my outfit (which is a lot) and maybe seeking a job where I can use my passion and make money at the same time. You may see me wandering around Gettysburg, specifically the Pennsylvania Monument or the Pickett's Charge field. Or you may see me reading (or at least looking at the pictures) inside Civil War nonfiction and reference books. And, hopefully, you'll be following my journey through this blog. If you're not a regular reader, make sure you enter your email on the Yankee PotPie homepage to receive updates on my new articles.

I'll be honest here; I'm still not sure what will come out of my life. I have decided to0 pursue the Civil War, but I have no idea where that will take me. God is only revealing baby steps at a time, and I'm just trying to make sure that I'm listening when He tells me the next step.

David McCullough (he's a biographer/historian) said once that "We have to know where we were if we're to know who we are and where we're going." I firmly agree, and have decided to use my life to spread the word.

Thanks again, Michaela for the great question! Hope this post ~er, ramble~ answered it for you! 

Just letting you know, there is a new form on the Yankee PotPie homepage! Its a Questions/Comments section. Here, you can message me through email (either put your name, or leave it anonymous) any questions, suggestions or concerns you may have. So if you have any suggestions for the Q&A, be sure to email them to me directly through the new Questions/Comments section!


  1. Abbie, very interesting post! Good luck on your life's journey, where ever the road may lead you :)

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to see where it does lead. :)

  2. Yes, this answered my question very well! I have enjoyed getting to know the stories of soldiers; now I get to know the story of you:) Great post!

    1. One thing about me: I love to talk and share about my experiences. :) Thank you so much!
